
Three bits of kindness...

were all it took to inspire me to write this.
Number one
Driving down the highway and trying to merge to the next lane. I either didn't see the small truck next to me and slightly behind, or he was merging into the lane I was, at the same time. In either case, I moved back to my lane and he began to pass me from the lane we both tried to merge from. I acknowledged our close call with a simple wave and he acknowledged with the same in return. In many cases, such a confrontation would lead to my acknowledging with a wave, the other driver could acknowledge with a one finger wave and some choice language.
Number Two
I was merging from a ramp onto the highway in heavy traffic. It's the type of merge when you need to begin getting to the far two lanes, because of another freeway exiting, closely ahead. Since I am pulling my 14ft trailer, I begin using my blinker while coming down the ramp. Under "what seems to be normal circumstances" I would have to keep trying to merge while rude people get closer together, so as not to let anyone squeeze in. A lady in a SUV backed off slightly to allow me to merge in front of her. I rolled down my window and gave her a courtesy wave. She waved back.
Number Three
I wanted to make a right turn ahead, at the next street, after just leaving my house. The driver in front of me stopped abruptly, before I could see there was a elderly lady crossing the street, where we both wanted to turn. We both waited until she got to the curb, then began to move forward. The lady gave a little nod and smile, as if to say thank you for being patient. That was the very moment I realized how those "three bits of courtesy", affected me in a way to make me remember, kindness, could be contagious, one bit at a time.


Have you ever...

been stumped by thought and direction? I know this is retorical, but I have been this way for awhile about blogging. Realization of this has created turmoil that has hindered my creative thought process. I have decided just to begin writing, or typing, just to get the rusty wheels rolling again. I debated on just deleting my first two posts and treat it like this is my first, but I think its good to evolve...... I think that is a part of my evolution. The theme of my blog is fairly clear by the title and content, but I will add different direction from time to time.
I am blessed to have the fortune of travel in a limited fashion. I hope to help your minds eye see some of these journeys.


Ouray day 1

It seems forgotten things are trivial in comparison to the extreme beauty we encountered on our journey. Ouray greeted us with weather, the likes we have not had in our arid Arizona climate. A welcome sight to see raindrops dancing off the window, amidst the heavy clouds that seemed to get stuck at mountain tops.

We met up with some fellow Arizonians to explore a trail called Yankee Boy Basin. Compared to the trails we frequent in Arizona, these are not as difficult, but provide a different brand of beauty then we are accustom. Because of the extreme amount of snow that fell this previous winter, the very top of Yankee Boy was snowed over. We did manage to get to a point in which we could go no further . This area is known for its wildflowers. They were not in full bloom quite yet because of the heavy snow. You cannot possibly take in all of the beauty that surrounds you...immersing yourself helps.

We returned to the hotel to mingle with other summiteers that arrived early.
Re-acquainting with friends, made last year.


What have I forgotten ??

There is always something. Ouray, Colorado is our Destination. A gathering of FJ brethren from all parts of the US and Canada. There will be trails to run, people to meet. Acquaintances, from year past, to reunite with. Food and drink are shared along with a chili cook-off. I imagine there will be an interesting spin on the focal food, since all regions will be represented.
Ouray is proudly known as the Switzerland of America.
I really don't know what I have forgotten, We will be leaving early am tomorrow. Some say the journey is as important as the destination. It seems the journey starts before the drive .